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Monday, June 08, 2009

Sushi Rice

to whoever dog stolen my SUSHI RICE, fuck your asshole *&^%$#@%^&*(!@#*&^%$#%^&*()&%$it's when i needed it RIGHT NOW and it was gone in a flash!
i remember fucking well it was there all along! stealing sushi rice is extremely freaking pathetic
and i'm fucking pissed off but i believed in KARMA i'm sure you don't get what that word means cause you won't be stealing if you really do understand i curse you whatever you stole from me will be paid 10x even worst..!



jiok said...

omg omg.. who de hell is tat?? sushi rice pun mau curi!!! tsk tsk tsk
but hor, tadi i baru makan sushi!!! damn nice!!! awwww!! i nid somemore!!!

michellesnoopy said...

i can guess who's tat...i pray tat God damn him..! hmph~!

yerr.....u bring me..u being me...!!