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Monday, June 08, 2009

Leaver's Mass

it was the final year for some of the students in Chaplaincy and the mass organized a Leaver's Mass for them we had the best fun ever tonight and it was full of laughter and jokes..! the menu included burgers, pizzas, crisps, cupcakes *drools*

it will be the last Sunday mass for me too before i go off for my Summer Trip..! *blush* so...til we meet again next autumn!
Newcastle, I Love You!!

those were used to make burgers



Mia, V, Snoopy

Asian Malaysian + Mia...haha..!
 BUT BUT.....picture of the night goes to.....

ngai tee...Ally said we're the Fantastic 4..Chaplaincy version kot



Alyssa Ng said...

Fabtastic 4! :)

michellesnoopy said...

FU-YOH...! nice combination ally..!