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Thursday, February 05, 2015

Stress Or Fun?

First ang pau of the year!
Are these eyebags worth it


Let's talk about work.

Yea the word itself is already pretty much boring. I'm not sure about you guys, but I think it's really important for a person to find a job their passionate about. Or at least one that doesn't give any Monday blues.

I actually found mine. In 2013. But that ended in 2014. So I found another job that I love after the first. Or so I thought. Heh.

Joining MINI is really fun. However, each job has its challenge. I finally knew what mine was. Perhaps it was because I was very new to this industry. Alaa, excuse only kot

I met really great people. They are not fussy, quick and easy deal. Yet I also met the really really really hard-to-deal people. It's good. Both are great for my experience. My patience are tested to the Mount Everest top at the same time sweet customers gave me so much lovely treats.

Oh well. Let's see how long I can take the bull by the horns.


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