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Tuesday, August 05, 2014

July Splurge and Love

July Splurge Treat


2014 is a good year for me. Or at least I see it's 'so far, so good' to me. Now that I managed to scoop out some time to blog every now and then, I will have another post for 'monthly' Splurge and Love. This is to give some shout outs on my monthly favs or hauls. Therefore, this is a fun deal I made myself. I'll have a monthly splurge but, within my budget. And also for love treat, it means things that somebody a.k.a Mr.A got me. Haha! WTM.

Move on, this month I'm getting myself the Fujifilm  Mini 90 NEO Classic camera! ヽ(^o^)ノ Hahaha! I've been eyeing on this for quite some time now. Well, my eyes have been eyeing quite a lot of things but..

credit to Google

...There are many more months ahead! I'm so excited to play with this new toy. It has much more modes compared to my Instax Mini 7S, so much to explore! With the very much enhanced instax camera, I think it's a pretty good deal I got here. *lol bragging* But seriously, I especially love the double exposure effect mode. Very unique and fun to look at!

July Love Treats

#1. This is one fattening love treat! It's a huge box, I think the biggest size of all. And I think I will need few months to finish this! But this flavour is new to me cause I always get the original ones. This ones are more to light chocolaty taste. Still good, but I prefer the original. Heh.

#3. Ooooo! I'm not a gym/sports junkie but I really think everyone should spend some little time each week working out all the sweat and toxics and releasing their stress through exercising! My current yoga mat was a lousy cheap ones I got from a store - SLIP yoga mat. *dang*. Sports Direct was having sales last week so Mr.A and I went for flash shopping! Haha! After turning rounds and rounds and rounds (at the same spot), I got myself a set of Nike Dri Fit Sports Wear and a new USA PRO Yoga Mat! It says 'non-slip' but yet to be tested. (:

Basically these are my July Splurge and Love! Back by end of August!
