I've never talked about my handbag. Or any other bags. Wtm.. So these are the MAIN ESSENTIALS that I have at the moment.
#1. My EOS lip balm - Bringing this wherever I go. So far the best lipbalm I've ever used. I remember I saw four flavours but I bought one to try out. Getting more in my next trip to USA!
#2. Hand Cream - Newly discovered brand for hand, hair and body care from Thailand. I love purchasing hand creams so I got myself this Jasmine Ritual scent.
Non sticky checked,
Smooth application checked,
Rich texture checked.
Got to go!
#3. Fisherman Lozenges - My throat had been naughty these few days. Not sure if it's due to the weather but *sigh* such a turn off to loads of great food last weekend! >:/