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Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Handyman and A Cleaner


So I've mentioned how I love to make my own room but I didn't mentioned how much I hated cleaning the mess up. WTM.. When I packed everything to the new room, I realized, or rather was being refreshed by how many rubbish that I have! But just to be clear, I'm not close to being a hoarder. My things are just, too much, and, messy. WTM..

I started packing one morning with the plan to finish it up by evening before dinner. But when the sky got dark, I didn't see any changes at all (above pic). LOL! Unpack-ing phail! Anyway, the first picture was taken when I was looking through all the cupboards available. I was trying to pick the right colour, right measurement ( I used their measure tape..LOL) and also the most important thing is HOW AM I GOING TO CARRY ALL THAT ALONE. I was so 'pandai' I picked the 5 foot tall box of cupboard but I couldn't get it into my shopping cart. WTM.. And I just left it there for minutes until I had a better solution.

Reached home and was so excited to assemble my cupboard that I forgot to snap the outcome of the cupboard (darn it). But so far so good cause I was expecting it to be unstable after I shift my heavy stuffs into the spaces. Pretty handy I must say.. *kissing my arms* LOLWTM..

Til then! Sayonara!



Kelvin -KtheBlogger- Tan said...

Wow. And I thought my room was messy.

michellesnoopy said...

Kelvin - heheheh! now ok alr..not messy anymore XD