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Friday, December 07, 2012

On The Seventh Day To Christmas

Holla! Seventh day is here! It's all about the WEDDING WEDDING WEDDING!! Heh! Being a bridesmaid is not easy but being the bride is much stress-er. So I'll cut the complaints. :D

There was a slight rain early in the morning..as a good start. Because after the rain, the weather was boiling hawt! We started of with morning preps from the bride's make up to the bridesmaid's accessories to flowers to groom's arrival and 'lil games here and there. Wedding dinner was just as great with the improved standard in their time management and food quality. Bravo.

*BREATHE OUT LOUD* Enough said.



Koh Kian Fai said...

ok . . . Wedding game is a NO for me XD

so u at your home sweet home eh? XD

michellesnoopy said...

LOL! Yea i went back home.. Now back in KL =___=