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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Ebay Freak

seriously? c'mon...seriously?

YES...i'm fooking serious

i'm addicted to ebay shopping! >.<

even now i'm "screening" on whatever i feel like buying..well, though i feel like buying everything.. oh mai gutt~!

the bad news is, no one CAN STOP me from browsing ebay/amazon/online shopping web pages unless these are banned from my laptop which i suppose WILL NOT happen in ighwklnfohcsdnfebhac years.

i don't even remember how did this started *cry out LOUD!!* and of course i don't feel guilty until i PAID it =.=*

on the other hand, the happiest moment is to receive parcels thinking that someone sweetly send it to me SFMDL (Seriously Fooking My Destroyed Life)who the heck spoilt me, huh? i'm gonna smack him/her ~.~

*sigh sigh sigh* been buying lots of stuffs lately..guilt, happy, satisfied, frustrated, sad...all these mixed feelings really messing up my head *frown*

am i the only ebay freak or there are people out there doing the same thing? hello~~? anyone out there? few seconds ago...i was thinking (you think bout it as well) how weird am i to freakishly stalk on ebay, on EVERYTHING...it's like everything is my business..! i'm not even close to a photographer but pandai pandai bid on vintage cameras..deng! i don't only focus on things that i like/need but on things i DON'T REALLY need/rubbish/unnecessary stuffs/ whatever :| 

seems like all i want is to have FUN! :| :|well again, i can't deny the feeling of receiving a parcel is damn nice eh! or put it this way... IT'S LIKE I'M FOOKING RICH!!!!

sheesh~!! i should have donate all the money to helpless peeps! >.< spend on stupid things pulak!ou...buying clothes online (ehem hem..just getting started...) it's like i have 365 days events and functions to attend that keep me spying into online webs and cash debiting out~~~hmph..blame it on debit card also hoh...they shouldn't have approve me that littl e brat card *shakes head*

wanna see what did i bought? *giggles* it's more than just clothes!!blog about it next time..when i decided to delete EBAY EBAY EBAY EBAY~~~~ BAY~~ BAY~~~~ from my head

so shall i continue my online shopping?



Kuen.Y said...

I still have no idea how to purchase a single thing from ebay! Haha..I should learn from you~~~but then again, shipping to m'sia is not as convenient as u guys rite? Sigh...

Don't be too freakish on it! Spend wisely snoopy~~~ ♥ but I do salute u on ebay-ing! Geng!

michellesnoopy said...

it's really easy er tissue girl..bt i'm scared tat u'll get addicted like me =.=

yea...malaysia bu tiam ah..sometimes stuffs don't arrive one...haiz kesian..have to use registered mail thn ok de..

i will! i have to start saving 4 my mum to come >.<*

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