michellesnoopy Instagram

Friday, January 15, 2010

Shake'a'Holic, Newcastle Upon Tyne

went to Metro Center again with the gang and tried Shake'a'Holic cause the interior attracted me A LOT

it's made of milk shake and you'll be the boss for the flavor named from A to Z

there are
*Chocolate & Bars

and *Toppings..!


the menu from the glass door *Ooooooooo*
students always has the advantage [damn!] ^.^
spot the ones you desire..!!
have a shake (=
coming up!
Regular Shake - Maltesers at £2.60 (£2.34 for 10% student discount)

it's soooooo yummy that i'll be back when i'm ready to shake again soon! *wink*


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